Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Complete Sherlock Holmes

Last year I decided to read the complete Sherlock Holmes stories in the order they were published before the next series of Sherlock starts (although I've since found out they are not even starting to film it until January 2013).

I started by downloading The Complete Sherlock Holmes Canon from sherlock-holm.es as a PDF file, but soon realised that reading books on a laptop was not the way I wanted to go. But then Caroline bought a Kindle e-Reader and I discovered that reading PDF files on a Kindle was also not the way I wanted to go either.

So, I downloaded the HTML version of the Canon, and converted it to an eBook using calibre and I've now managed to complete The Complete Sherlock Holmes.

As I was going along I discovered a few transcription errors, which I've mostly fixed (it didn't occur to me to fix them in the first couple of stories, so a few still remain), I re-ordered the stories to match the original publication dates, and I changed the spacing of some punctuation so as not to confuse the Kindle's dictionary function.

If you'd like to download my version here it is:

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